The POPSOP agency has completed a project to update the packaging of Fruttis yogurt. The product line has acquired an improved color scheme and a new food zone composition.

Fruttis yogurts (produced by Campina) were among the first to appear on the Russian market in 1992. The packaging design has been periodically updated over the years of presence in the market.

The POPSOP agency proposed a new vision for the Fruttis brand. Its basis became an active and contrasting brand zone. Now, the packaging features an atypical black circle with a white logo for the category.

 Также  создана новая  продуктовая зона. Теперь фрукты хорошо видны, и вместе с обновленной бренд-зоной четко коммуницируют ключевое сообщение бренда – это йогурты с богатым фруктовым вкусом от известного производителя.

Additionally, a new product zone has been created. Now, the fruits are clearly visible and, together with the updated brand zone, effectively communicate the brand's key message – that they offer yogurts with a rich fruit taste from a well-known manufacturer.


 Обновление проводилось для моновкусов, йогуртов с разными фруктами и детской линейки, при этом в ходе редизайна мы усилили воспринимаемое единство бренда.

The redesign was carried out for the single-flavor yogurts, yogurts with different fruits, and the children's line, while at the same time we enhanced the perceived brand unity during the redesign.

 В ассортиментной линейке появились лимитированные серии с героями из популярных американских мультфильмов.

Limited series with characters from popular American cartoons have been added to the product line.

 В начале 2020 года Fruttis в обновленной агентством BQB упаковке поступил в продажу.

At the beginning of 2020, Fruttis in the updated packaging by the BQB agency went on sale.